Original content © 2017-2018 Shane Curcuru, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Website structure (fork the code), layout, graphics:
- Core design by Jekyll
- Theme forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
- Icons by FontAwesome
- Images from Unsplash
Hosted by the convenient GitHub Pages.
Written with the editor on a Mac.
Powered by caffeine from Peet’s Coffee and Tea.
Coffee Ipsum and All About Coffee Markov from a variety of coffee-related books.
I use Unsplash for great images

Cups-from-above: brigitte-tohm-143446.jpg coffee-698870_1280.jpg drew-coffman-110617.jpg nolan-issac-38299.jpg rab-ritchie-68872.jpg wu-yi-137010.jpg
freddie-marriage-168317.jpg - from angle
freddy-castro-133326.jpg - full desk
mike-kenneally-44879.jpg - with beans mikesh-kaos-42527.jpg - plain cup, above nafinia-putra-68859.jpg - angle, light color nick-karvounis-156086.jpg - plain cup, angle
Peet’s®, and various other marks referenced are either registered trademarks or trademarksof Peet’s Coffee And Tea in the United States and/or other countries.