
About This Site

This is Shane’s blog about all things coffee, tea, and caffienated beverages, and especially about his favorite coffee shop, Peet’s. He likes most of them, and drinks a lot of coffee, so read on!

If you want to be awesome

  • Try out your local Peet’s store if you have one, and smile at the staff.
  • If you don’t have a local Peet’s, then enjoy your favorite locally owned coffee/tea shop and smile at the staff.
  • It’s amazing how much better the day is when you smile, don’t you think?

About Shane

Shane is founder of Punderthings℠ LLC consultancy, helping organizations find better ways to engage with the critical open source projects that power modern technology and business. He blogs and tweets about open source governance and trademark issues, and has spoken at major technology conferences like ApacheCon, OSCON, All Things Open, Community Leadership Summit, and Ignite.

Shane is serving a seventh term as an elected Director of the ASF, providing governance oversight, community mentoring, and fiscal review for all Apache projects. Shane previously served as VP Brand Management for the ASF for eight years, and wrote the trademark and branding policies that cover all 200+ Apache® projects, including assisting projects with defining and policing their trademarks, as well as negoitating agreements with various software vendors using Apache software brands.

Otherwise, Shane is: a father and husband, a BMW driver and punny guy. Oh, and we have cats. Follow @ShaneCurcuru and read about open source communities and see his FOSS Foundation directory.